Action on Poverty is your guide to more inspired and transformative philanthropy.

Action on Poverty offers a boutique service for philanthropists, family offices, and private trusts and foundations. We invite you to develop a bespoke project with us, or donate to a pre-vetted partner or project to ensure your donation will have the greatest impact possible.

Submit a partnership enquiry

Develop a project with us – Philanthropic giving

The traditional model of philanthropy goes something like this:

  1. Select a charity
  2. Send a cheque
  3. Receive a report
  4. Rinse, repeat

We believe that philanthropy can be so much more than that.

We work closely with our philanthropic clients to explore our shared values, maximise our resources, and collaborate on impact-driven development solutions. We develop a deep understanding of what drives your philanthropy so we can help you achieve your vision of a better world. Whether that’s clean water for all, scholarships for girls, or a world free from hunger – we have the expertise and the connections to bring it to life.

Our model of philanthropy looks like this:

  1. Explore your values, interests, and skills to guide your giving
  2. Help you assess development issues and understand the challenges communities face
  3. Collaborate with you, the community, and local partners to design effective interventions
  4. Contribute our own grants to eligible projects
  5. Manage your development project, from creating logic frameworks to scaling up successful models
  6. Ensure your project complies with development best practice, including DFAT and ACFID standards
  7. Involve you in research, evaluation, and learning activities
  8. Invite you to be part of our thought leadership activities, such as podcasts and opinion pieces

CASE STUDY: Private philanthropy empowers ethnic minorities to break the poverty cycle in Vietnam

CASE STUDY: This Australian philanthropist is helping children overcome disability in Bangladesh

Submit a partnership enquiry

Donate to our pre-vetted partners or projects

Action on Poverty also facilitates donations to our existing network of international development partners and projects.

By donating via AOP, you can be sure that your gift is going to organisations with proven impact, operating at the highest standards of transparency and accountability.

Donate now

Donate to a different partner or project

If you’re interested in donating to an organisation outside our network, please contact us using the form below.

Submit an enquiry