Empower Change through Volunteering Action
Whether you’re looking to volunteer locally through our Voluntasker platform or offer your skills and expertise for global projects, Action on Poverty provides multiple opportunities to drive real change. Every volunteer action, no matter how small, contributes to measurable solutions that fight poverty.
Partner with us
Our partnership program enables everyone to play their role in creating a more just and equal world.
Recent projects
- 35,604 individuals benefitting from Victory GardensMalawi
- 8,235 people benefitted from solar-powered boreholesZimbabwe
- 2,574 community members learnt about safe migration practicesCambodia
- 1,200 seed packets distributedKiribati
- 3,331 Maasai women accessed economic empowerment programsTanzania
- 757 Women accessed financial services for the first timeVietnam
- 50,000 people reached with clubfoot social media awareness campaignsBangladesh
Our partners
Working in partnership is the most effective way to take action. It’s inclusive, sustainable, and cost-effective.