This end of financial year help flood victims in Malawi rebuild their lives
Cyclone Ana and Gombe brought destruction to vulnerable communities in Malawi
Rural communities in Malawi rely on small scale farming as their only source of income and food supply. Families already living in poverty were devastated this year as cyclones Ana and Gombe destroyed their homes and gardens, which are their only source of income. Thousands of people, among them many women and children were left in an extremely vulnerable situation, having to walk long distances for food and shelter, with no other option than to stay in emergency camps. Now the communities are making a tremendous effort to rebuild their lives.
Your gift can help families acquire goods and training to rebuild their gardens and homes, creating a stable source of food and income. Your support will help them obtain seeds, tools, and training to create sustainable agriculture that can provide food throughout the year. This way women can spend more time with their family, getting their food supply from their own backyard. Communities can meet their basic needs and save for the future.
This end of financial Year, take action on poverty and help families in Malawi rebuild their lives and break the cycle of poverty.
Click here to donate cryptocurrency.
Bank: NAB
BSB: 082 048
Account number: 509412614
Reference: Your name – EOFY
Post your cheque to:
Action on Poverty
PO Box 1206
North Sydney
NSW 2059
Call us on +61 2 9906 3792.